Shamanic / Psychotherapy

Shamanic Counseling is a 21st century method of personal growth and self-revelation using the ancient and tried principles of shamanism.  It is a form of spiritual counseling in which the client uses shamanic divinatory methods and journeying skills to derive wisdom and answers to their most important questions.  It is also a method of realizing one’s inherent spiritual power.  Therefore, one of the primary goals of shamanic counseling is self-empowerment.  The shamanic counselor serves as a guide and expert on the method but not on providing answers.  The answers come from within the client and their connections to their Teachers that they will be connected to in the process.

Each session is divided into roughly 3 parts.


SHAMANIC COUNSELLING / PSYCHOTHERAPYPart 1:  the client will be taught how to journey to either the upper or lower world with their eyes closed, wearing an eye covering, while lying down.  They will be listening to drum tones specifically recorded to put their consciousness into an altered state (the non-ordinary state of consciousness; see below) that facilitates the journeying process.  The client will then speak out loud into a microphone recorder all that they are experiencing during the journey.  Whatever they do not wish to verbalize can be kept silent.  During this time, the practitioner is taking notes of everything that is being said.

Part 2:  the recording is played back in its entirety so that both the client and practitioner can take notes on further insights from the journey.  No speaking occurs between the client and practitioner during this time.

Part 3: Counselling Involves the client then commenting on their journey and noting any relevant insights or answers that came to them either while journeying or listening to the recording.  The practitioner will then comment on the method and any themes that were classic shamanic experiences.  The practitioner will not provide answers or interpretations of the client’s journey.  This is to stay true to the goal of empowering the client.  This third section is also recorded.

All recordings from part 1 and 3 and notes are given to the client after each session.

This method is based on a total of 5 pre-programmed journeys; each journey to be done at one session.

Session 1:The first session involves an extensive journey to the lower world (see description below describing the shamanic worldview) to meet an animal. (journey time 15 minutes)

Session 2: In the second session we will follow the same extensive journey to the lower world to meet the same animal and ask it a question relevant to your life. (journey time 30 minutes)

Session 3:  The third journey entails an extensive journey to the upper world and meeting a teacher in human form.  (journey time 15 minutes)

Session 4:  In the fourth session we will follow the same extensive journey to the upper world to meet the same teacher in human form and ask it a question relevant to your life. (journey time 30 minutes)

Session 5: The fifth and final journey involves going to the upper or lower world and asking the teacher in human form or animal respectively how to best implement in this reality an answer to one of the client’s previous questions. (journey time 30 minutes)

The five sessions provide important insights, wisdom, and answers to the client’s most important questions while also providing them with a method they can continue to use on their own after the formal Counselling sessions are over.