Soeks Ecovisor F4 food tester and EMF

Soeks Ecovisor F4 food tester and EMF

Greater awareness among consumers and increasing problems with the purchase of organic and unprocessed food caused the popularity of food testers (ecotesters). Some time ago an article appeared on our portal about the first Greentest food tester available in Ireland. Today we present to you the latest generation device manufactured...

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Healing With Sacred Tobacco: Rapé Tribal Snuff

Healing With Sacred Tobacco: Rapé Tribal Snuff

Healing With Sacred Tobacco: Rapé Tribal Snuff Rapé is another example of all the necessary medicines, I give to Mother Earth. Its properties can help in many physical aspects, but medicine can also heal the psyche. Civilization enters the stage where the understanding of spiritual laws will be an inseparable...

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Is 5G safe for our health?

Is 5G safe for our health?

Is 5G safe for our health? The impact of radio waves on human health is quite a controversial topic. Researchers recently pointed to the fact that all international organizations strongly support the development of 5G networks, but forget about research into the impact of new technology on our health. Are...

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DISTANCE HEALING – How it works ?

DISTANCE HEALING NATURAL FORMS OF THERAPY DISTANCE HEALING – is an effective and simple form of spiritual help. A healer using quantum energy establishes energetic contact with the healed person and directs energy to it. Healing energy is an impulse that can heal our body, souls, limiting relationships or situations....

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