What is liposomal vitamin C?

What is liposomal vitamin C?

Liposomal vitamin C is a way to deliver large doses of this vitamin to the cells. Check what is its unique operation. Liposomal Vitamin C – what makes it different? Vitamin C in the liposomal form is characterized by high bioavailability, ie at the level of about 90%. Its bioavailability...

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Joint pain and symptoms

Joint pain and symptoms

Joint pain and symptoms If you have symptoms such as mobility problems, knee or spine pain, morning stiffness in your limbs, it may be time for you to become interested in your own joints. These unpleasant and painful ailments can not only make everyday life difficult for you, but even...

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Vitamin B-12.

Vitamin B-12

Vitamin B-12 Dr. n. Biol. Henryk Różański in his speech at the conference “Human – Food – Health” he was the first to speak about the subject – Which of the nutrients is the most underrated? He answered – Vitamin B-12. Nowadays, huge deficiencies of Vitamin B-12 are observed. Antibiotics...

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Reiki Healing with Crystals

Reiki Healing with Crystals

Crystals used during Reiki Healing will help the healing and energy balancing. They will speed up the healing process. LAYING ON OF STONES The purpose of a laying on of stones is to release etheric, emotional, mental or spiritual blocks to well-being. The healer’s role is to be conforting, supportive...

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The Chakra System Seven energy centers

The Chakra system consists of seven chakra points or energy centers which function like valves or pumps that regulate the flow of energy through our energy system. This shows the correlation between functioning of our chakras and our decisions / responses concerning life conditions. It has everything to do with...

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Auras – Shamanic Reiki Healing

Auras Auras are the energy field that surround you and there are a variety of different cameras that can show you your auric field.  As your spiritual practices deepen it is quite common to be able to see and sense a person’s aura.    There are commonly believed to be 7...

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The Smudging Ceremony Ritual

The Smudging Ceremony Ritual

The Smudging Ceremony Ritual Smudging is a ritual way to cleanse a person , place or an object of negative energies, spirits or influences. The smudging ceremony involves the burning of special, sacred plants and herbal resins, then, either passing an object through the resulting smoke, or fanning the smoke...

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